Rising From The Ashes
As an artist, I’ve always been incredibly grateful the wide spectrum of people who like and support my work. Sometimes we agree on issues, Sometimes we disagree, but that’s what life and society is all about. the outpouring of support after my Studio was devastated by the fire has been nothing short of incredible. They say that it often takes the worst situation to bring out the best in people and this drama has certainly brought out the best in those people who follow me. Eddie Donaldson has been a friend and inspiration for longer than I’ve been an artist and he suggested producing a print that was affordable. It was a no-brainer. It means two things one that I can get back on my feet as soon as possible and two more people can own a piece of my art then ever before.
Plastic Jesus
Bad things happen to good people all the time. It’s part of life. When we were informed of our friend and Los Angeles art community member Plastic Jesus’s studio fire we decided to take action. We want to use our platform and network to help PJ get passed this hurdle. Please join us in this effort to contribute to him and his family as they recover from this very unfortunate disaster.
I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Plastic Jesus for over a decade.
I organized his first street art show on Melrose. He supported me when I created the Fame Yard on Melrose with an amazing mural installation addressing homelessness in Hollywood. “ that was stolen the night he completed it by well known art collector Boris Solazano”
Since then we have collaborated on a print release, multiple group shows and numerous other exciting creative projects..
Putting the business aside I am proud to say that Nick and I became friends. I’ve witnessed him find the love of his life, get married and have children. Ive watched him build a career doing something he loves. I’ve watched him grow as a human being and artists.
Eddie Donaldson
<--- Venmo Donations